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Allowing women at work to say to themselves "I can do it!", and to do it. 

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I there! My name is Clara, I am French and an advocate for equality at work.

My mission is to enable all women to free themselves from the external and internal barriers that hold them back. 


I spent the first part of my career as a trader in Brazil in an all-male environment, where I forged a very personal approach to empowerment: pragmatic and action-oriented. 


In 2019, I created the podcast "The Rules of the Game" (in Eng & Fra), to allow each and every woman to embrace the right levers of success for them at work and implement them on a daily basis, and in 2020 my first book, Les Règles du Jeu, was published by Dunod, to lift the last taboos and give all women the means to take their place at work.


In 2022, I created my second podcast, "The Starter Pack" (available in French), to empower women to invest their savings and conquer their financial freedom.


And in 2023, I started my newsletter, "Transgression" (available in english), to reconcile women with the discomfort of it all!  


Get in touch! 

Credit: Pamina studio


When it comes to equality at work, we are all able to have an impact and bring about change.   


Empowerment, above anything else, is a matter of everyday life at work. Because before being a succession of responsibilities, job titles or objectives achieved, a career is made of this: repeated, ordinary situations, every day. 

It is sitting at our offices, in a meeting on Monday mornings, on the phone with a client, a supplier, a colleague, that we actually build our career paths, one email after another, one conversation after another, one day at a time. So in order to move forward, we need to learn how to navigate this daily life, overcome its challenges, and make the most of it. 

That's why I created the "micro empowerment", a method that allow us to express our full potential, every day. 


And the beauty of it all is that by pursuing our own ambitions, we are not only acting for ourselves: we are, by extension, moving the lines of our entire team, of our entire company.

Our successes are not just a sum of isolated achievements. They are a movement that carries a huge transformative energy, able to lastingly transform the corporate landscape, from within. 


Succeeding for yourself also means changing the world, without waiting for the world to change.






Merci pour votre envoi !

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